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how code does work?
i want learn code
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If you're asking how code actually gets executed in a computer, here's a shorter explanation:
Computers only understand binary language, i.e., 0's and 1's. When we write code in a high-level language (HLL) such as Python, Java, C++, or C#, it needs to be converted into machine (CPU) understandable instructions. This process typically involves the following steps:
1. Compilation:
Source Code: The developer writes code in a high-level language.
Compiler: A compiler is a special program that converts the source code into machine code. This process involves several stages:
a. Lexical Analysis: The compiler breaks down the source code into tokens, which are the basic syntax elements (e.g., keywords, operators, identifiers).
b. Syntax Analysis: The compiler checks the tokens against the language’s grammar rules to form a syntax tree, ensuring that the code is structurally correct.
c. Semantic Analysis: The compiler verifies that the code makes sense in terms of variable declarations, type checking, and other language-specific rules.
d. Optimization: The compiler may optimize the code for performance, reducing the number of instructions or improving memory usage.
e. Code Generation: The compiler translates the syntax tree into intermediate code (often in assembly language), which is then converted into machine code (binary instructions) specific to the target CPU.
2. Linking:
The linker resolves references between different pieces of code and combines them into a single executable file.
3. Loading:
The operating system loads the executable into memory, preparing it for execution.
At this point, the code has been converted into machine-understandable instructions.
4. Execution:
The CPU fetches these instructions, decodes them, and executes the machine instructions generated by the compiler.
This is how code written in a high-level language is executed by a CPU that only understands 0's and 1's.
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