How to check program/code bits on other profiles??
When I see a program that I really like and I want to go see the authors other projects, I haven’t been able to see any button that goes to their other code bits . I am on mobile.
6 odpowiedzi
+ 3
There is a button "See Activity" from there you can see.
+ 3
Steps to follow for checking others codebits.
- Go to the profile
- scroll down & click on "see activity" button
- other page will open of that user profile
- Second button you will see of of "codebits"
- click on codebits and you will be able to see codes.
+ 1
Unfortunately, I am android user Chris. So, I am unable to figure out what ios app has.
Let's see if any ios user can help you out here.
Did you scroll down to the profile? can you share a screenshot?
Message & follow - buttons are on top of area of profile. You need to scroll down.
+ 1
Screenshot 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/omm072m616kbmky58p2fi/IMG_7467.png?rlkey=u9kmz28y700z92w78uv8vhdys&st=5q9e9mr4&dl=0
Screenshot 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/49fbepz4ztd7e7mcvzj1h/IMG_7466.png?rlkey=c0e15xeefb6csoe9xi1bvbyew&st=yzmimu26&dl=0
Screenshot 3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tzgg3moq6avpio3x7o1mj/IMG_7465.png?rlkey=kjhyl5mqf6odgxubmf13zfkgz&st=0j4e2nat&dl=0
These screenshots are from my phone for when clicking on a profile, D Shah 🎯⏳️
A͢J There are only 2 buttons called “follow” and “message”. There are no other buttons on the screen
D Shah 🎯⏳️ I keep on looking but the only things shown in the profile are courses, certificates, streak, achievements, and the bio on the too of the screen. I dont think there is a “See Activity” button on sololearn’s iOS mobile app.