Regex(regular expression) help needed! as fast as possible!
statements = ['\n\t \t\tसत्तारुढ दलको विवाद पनि लकडाउनमा\n\n\t \t\t\t \t', '\n\t \t\tकल ट्यापिङ गर्न पाउने विधेयक पारित\n\n\t \t\t\t \t', '\n\t \t\tकोरोना असर : सबैभन्दा बढी युएईमा नेपालीले रोजगारी गुमाउँदै\n\n\t \t\t\t \t', '\n\t \t\tलिपुलेक जान हिँडेका आठ जना पक्राउ\n\n\t \t\t\t \t'] so I have a list of data that is written in Nepali Language. All I want to is get rid of the other things in these statements and only retrieve the main data written in Nepali. I want to use regex(regular expression) and I want it in similar format like: pattern = re.compile(r'______') #pattern for the statements for each in statements: matches = re.finditer(pattern, each) for match in matches: print( #where group 1 or any other number means the main data or you can make your own something needed!