+ 17

Need help/advise

Hello, I coded this JavaScript game. The game itself is just a proof/test to show that it works. The idea is to put (almost) all the code in a separate file so that it can be used as some kind of library. Will this work, if not how do I make it work. and What should I add? https://code.sololearn.com/WBqcz6KCUP55/?ref=app

5th Apr 2017, 6:27 PM
The Coding Sloth
The Coding Sloth - avatar
1 Answer
+ 21
It should work if you make 3 different files: 1)JS_Game.html 2 )JS_Game.css 3)JS_Game.js //Without a single mistake
6th Apr 2017, 6:43 PM
Biraj Patel