To create a table in PHP you need to use a multidimensional array. The following example creates an array of cars along with their quantities either sold or in stock. Then you retrieve these data by a foreach loop.. // Create 2D array $cars = [ // Each car has its own row, just like a table ["Volvo", 22, 18], ["BMW", 15, 13], ["Saab", 5, 2] ]; // Output data foreach ($cars as $car){ // First Column (Name) echo $car[0]; echo "\t\t"; // Tab characters for indentation // Second Column (Quantity in stock) echo $car[1]; echo "\t\t"; // Third Column (Quantity sold) echo $car[2]; }
15th May 2017, 10:29 PM
Sandro Yassa
Sandro Yassa - avatar