Write a program to create a file with name as âFileName_RollNumber.datâ.
The user need to give the FileName from screen, however the generated file name should contain your Roll Number too. The file should have following text for example: # FILE NAME: NewFile_UG101010.dat Name: Hari Singh Age: 21 Class: ECE Batch: 2018 The following file should be closed and copied to a new file named, RollNumber_FileName.txt. The information displayed should be as below. # FILE NAME: UG101010_NewFile.txt Name: Hari Singh Age: 21 Class: ECE Batch: 2018
1 Answer
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Siddharth Ambedkar It seems your question appears to be an assignment. Please show us your attempt and use the 8 rules to get help from the community.
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