+ 2

Which language should me learn python or python 3 ??

I am confused in this

23rd Apr 2018, 6:50 AM
Pragati Mahajan
Pragati Mahajan - avatar
3 Answers
+ 5
Python 3.It is the latest.
23rd Apr 2018, 7:30 PM
Mitali - avatar
+ 3
You mean python 2 or 3? Of course python 3 which is the latest version and they have already announced they are going to stop support for python 2 by 2020. So if you are new start with python3 or old time programmer then move to python 3 Some.one made this.. https://pythonclock.org
23rd Apr 2018, 7:49 AM
Koushik Naskar
Koushik Naskar - avatar
+ 1
Python 3. No doubt. It even officially states that Python 3 would work with all future versions of Python. Go for it. Python has a simple syntax and it's really used in various applications such as ML, data science and even creating games. Python is cool. Go for it. And yep, Python 3!
26th May 2018, 1:46 AM