+ 7
Ruby is one of the trending languages to learn for a better future. Only Ruby doesn't help you but for a better future , you have to learn the Ruby framework Ruby on Rails . In the world, there is need of Ruby Developer and the job opportunities are good. Read the Some of below given article for a better understanding https://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/after-two-decades-of-programming-i-use-rails https://www.simplethread.com/what-is-so-great-about-ruby/ https://www.quora.com/Does-Ruby-programming-language-have-a-strong-future https://medium.com/swlh/programming-languages-that-will-rule-the-game-in-2018-b58e38319974
5th Apr 2018, 3:26 AM
Vishal Pal❄️⚛️
Vishal Pal❄️⚛️ - avatar