+ 2

Ok here's the deal Read every answer of this Question and if you think I'm wrong give my answers down vote.

if(downVotes >= 10){ i will quit SL } https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/404736/?ref=app

21st May 2017, 11:13 AM
Vallery - avatar
13 Answers
+ 14
lol.. I know principle but its 15xp. no need to quit or get fired up over something so trivial. imho, all this voting/best answer nonsense is just a distraction from the reason we should all be here anyway.
21st May 2017, 11:22 AM
jay - avatar
+ 12
No worries Vallery. You shouldnt leave SL. I've written whole programs for people in the Q/A section and they dont even bother upvoting it. I've becoming kind of used to it. I greatly appreciate people marking the best answer but sadly, most people are here just to clear up their Homework questions, Assignments or are just curious/not really interested in programming and they dont usually tend to do that. Anyway, I'd advice you to stay if you interested in programming. Good luck :)
21st May 2017, 12:32 PM
Pixie - avatar
+ 12
21st May 2017, 1:20 PM
Burey - avatar
+ 10
#PixieForBestAns xD
21st May 2017, 12:43 PM
Burey - avatar
+ 10
#BureyForMostHumorousGuyonSL Gee,that is a huge hashtag 😂 Just like his contribution here 😉
21st May 2017, 1:08 PM
Pixie - avatar
+ 10
21st May 2017, 1:21 PM
Burey - avatar
+ 8
Vallery, what hasrat answer is his point of view, Srideep kept it as best answer is his point of view.. Don't let Other's point of view or decision hurt you or cost you..
21st May 2017, 11:27 AM
Nadir wadsariya
Nadir wadsariya - avatar
+ 8
21st May 2017, 1:20 PM
Pixie - avatar
+ 5
honestly I can't even comprehend exactly what's going on there, but for the sole purpose of not wanting anyone to quit something just because of a few people with garbage values and favoritism (that appears to be the problem anyway?) I upvoted you and downvoted everyone else 😂😂
21st May 2017, 12:28 PM
Martin J
Martin J - avatar
+ 4
lol i didn't even know about this thread.. nice discussion, too bad it ended :(
29th May 2017, 3:00 PM
Srideep - avatar
+ 3
@Luka it's ok I'm fine now.
21st May 2017, 1:08 PM
Vallery - avatar
+ 1
Guess you quit 😅
12th Dec 2018, 1:28 AM
Martin J
Martin J - avatar
Thanks for showing support everyone. @Yvonne i wasn't arguing. I was just suggesting What he did was Wrong by choosing a garbage as best.
21st May 2017, 1:01 PM
Vallery - avatar