+ 15

Anyone unlocked the 50 in a row wins badge?

If not, then I will be the first one to do so! :D Wish mr luck everybody, I'm goin to be the first one :D

21st Apr 2017, 8:14 AM
MrCoder - avatar
21 Answers
+ 9
Are you talking about epic badge?. yeah many people's unlocked it. btw wish you the luck .Its kinda tough but not impossible.
21st Apr 2017, 8:18 AM
Mr.Robot - avatar
+ 27
yes also win 5. 10. 50. 50. 100. 100. 200. and 500 challenges in a row using one weapon. The next one is the Epic! badge
21st Apr 2017, 1:50 PM
No Name
+ 22
@MrCoder If you get a draw then you start from 0 again (you have to get a run of 50 straight wins with no draws). So HTML will actually be the hardest language to win the badge in, because it's the easiest (more likely to get draws)
21st Apr 2017, 8:27 AM
Michael Foster
Michael Foster - avatar
+ 19
I have unlocked it🙋 and I wrote a thread about my strategy in case you'd like to see my and others tips: https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/304532/?ref=app
21st Apr 2017, 8:28 AM
Pao - avatar
27th Apr 2017, 4:22 AM
Prudhvi Raaj
Prudhvi Raaj - avatar
+ 11
btw, it's weapon independent, only 50 wins in one weapon count, but you can get the XP for each of the 5 weapons.
21st Apr 2017, 8:21 AM
Nikolay Nachev
Nikolay Nachev - avatar
+ 9
Hahaha... Btw it break even if u do a draw 🙁
21st Apr 2017, 8:27 AM
Shraddha - avatar
+ 8
@Shikamaru Thanks, but I suck at Java especially at math😂😂 I'd love to thou
21st Apr 2017, 8:21 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 8
@Shraddha Got my first 4 scored :( back to start again😂😂NEVER GIVE UP😂
21st Apr 2017, 8:25 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 7
@Nikolay Nachev Hmm... Then I shall choose HTML the easiest @Shraddha Got my first 5 score win thanks :D
21st Apr 2017, 8:22 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 6
@Mr.Robot Aw, I'm not gonna be the first one but screw it 😂😂
21st Apr 2017, 8:19 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 6
Lol i thought u were talking about the masters badge😂... Anyways good luck 👍🤘
21st Apr 2017, 8:21 AM
Shraddha - avatar
+ 6
Yooo... Way to go buddy 🎊🎉
21st Apr 2017, 8:23 AM
Shraddha - avatar
+ 6
challenge low level players @Mrcoder :)
21st Apr 2017, 8:27 AM
Manideep - avatar
+ 6
@shekar refer to the Paola's thread if you want to achieve 50 wins in a row and yes u can do that with HTML !!
10th Jun 2017, 5:37 PM
Prudhvi Raaj
Prudhvi Raaj - avatar
+ 5
Gl Mrcoder.you can challenge me in java :)
21st Apr 2017, 8:20 AM
Manideep - avatar
+ 5
Hahaha... Btw it break even if u do a draw 🙁
21st Apr 2017, 8:26 AM
Shraddha - avatar
+ 5
@Michael WAIT WHAT?! OHH NOO Thats bad news to hear :( but thanks for saying atleast I know I'll be more careful @Shraddha Damn😂😂 @Shikamaru You're right I'm not for the XP anyways😀
21st Apr 2017, 8:29 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 4
@Paola MB Thank you I'll keep that advice in my mind 😀
21st Apr 2017, 8:29 AM
MrCoder - avatar
+ 4
@KC RAMO Okay, I'll try to practice :D
21st Apr 2017, 3:23 PM
MrCoder - avatar