+ 24

is this possible?

on the way of solve some medium level question in java,i cant even find out the way to solve it,but.when i referred to the answer,i just realise :"Oh its the way! why i didn't think about it". is this a problem?

29th May 2019, 3:43 PM
Tzion - avatar
19 Answers
+ 46
Isn't learning something new such a wonderful experience? 😀 Sometimes our current abilities don't align with our current expectations, but that's okay. This can even be true for experienced programmers learning a new language or trying to accomplish something that isn't within their normal range of duties. For example, someone who might be used to encoding complicated math equations might suddenly be asked to manipulate strings and, as a result, find themselves going back to basics. So in short, no, it's not a problem. The more often you run across something, the more likely you will be able to recognize possible solutions and alternatives. People who don't have photographic memories (i.e. most people) require some form of repetition to build and strengthen synapses (neural pathways) generally via practice or some other means of review. Keep up the good work! 👍🏻
30th May 2019, 9:40 AM
For Beginners
For Beginners - avatar
+ 6
Can I suggest that, before solving a small programming question set by others, try to apply what you have learned to develop some program of your own thoughts first? Take for example, try doing the same thing with while loops, for loops and recursion. After that, try making it a function, after making a function, instead of displaying the result directly, make it return the result. after making the function return its result, add parameter to the function to make it flexible. Have you heard of a challenge called "Fizz Buzz"? It is good to begin and apply the above.
29th May 2019, 4:01 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 3
There are many ways to solve a problem. Just because you solved it using another method it doesn't mean your solution is wrong. Nevertheless, it's better to solve the problem on your own first and then refer to another person's solution later. If you really can't solve a problem on your own, you could take inspiration from someone else's solution and then implement your OWN version using their answer as a template. Remember, practice makes perfect.
29th May 2019, 10:59 PM
Lambda_Driver - avatar
+ 3
Wang Teng Zheng It is a process. You jump too quickly into "do exercise of solving problem". You need to "play with" what you have learned first, to be familiar with each newly learned knowledge, otherwise when you face a problem, you don't know which to use. Same for Carmine 🇮🇹 . I suggest beginning with something very very simple and develop it step by step and along the way, learn new things little by little. If you know how David interviewed Morpheus, you can know how Fizz Buzz is suitable. 'Live Coding Session' in https://medium.com/@neetishop/how-sololearn-changed-my-life-e87be9aada49 Please begin with trying to write a very simple program, which tests whether a number is divisible by 3. Specification: Input : 5 Output : No Input : 9 Output : Yes Begin with this, with language of your choice. Post your code in comment to the following post : https://www.sololearn.com/post/105678/?ref=app And follow the page to do this series of tasks step by step to progress little by little.
30th May 2019, 2:11 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 1
Wang Teng Zheng No, telling a number is divisible or not is basic of basic, not deep at all. If you show me your code, I can explain to you at where you get stuck. You can ignore these and choose to learn at your own pace, of course.
30th May 2019, 3:24 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 1
Wang Teng Zheng maybe it's deep now, but not deep when you finish this series : https://www.sololearn.com/post/105678/?ref=app
30th May 2019, 3:29 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 1
Solve simple problems first and then move on to more complex ones. You must learn to walk before you can run.
30th May 2019, 3:31 PM
Lambda_Driver - avatar
+ 1
I have some question about JAVA script Have someone help me?
12th Nov 2019, 6:49 AM
James. zhan
Gordon Which u prefer, do exercise of solving problem or practice like you said?
30th May 2019, 12:56 PM
Tzion - avatar
Gordon is it too deep? :D i practise exercise in this site https://www.w3resource.com/java-exercises/
30th May 2019, 3:16 PM
Tzion - avatar
Gordon no i mean is solving problem too deep? :D
30th May 2019, 3:27 PM
Tzion - avatar
Gordon check my profile the Rhombus structure code,i actually dont really understand it....i got this code from exercise
30th May 2019, 3:28 PM
Tzion - avatar
Gordon import java.util.Scanner; public class text{ public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Input a number"); int num = scanner.nextInt() if(num % 3 == 0){ system.out.println("Yes"); }else{ system.out.println("No"); } } }
30th May 2019, 3:34 PM
Tzion - avatar
Be careful with the syntax, it should be System.out.println not system.out.println. Other than that, the solution is correct.
30th May 2019, 3:51 PM
Lambda_Driver - avatar
Lambda_Driver Okay,i just simply type it,cuz got shortcut in intelligent idea
30th May 2019, 3:53 PM
Tzion - avatar
Input: 5 2 2 1 3 1 2 Output: 1
17th Sep 2019, 4:30 AM
J.Yuvaraj - avatar
James. zhan check inbox?
13th Nov 2019, 6:26 AM
Tzion - avatar
What can i do for anwser the question
3rd Dec 2019, 4:16 PM
I want to ask something. I don't have any knowledge about any programming language but I want to be Perfect at it. What should I have to do first?
26th Jul 2020, 5:14 AM
Neba H.