+ 1

Guys tell me is it possible to make android apps with python

I'm intrstd nd strt learing python.. whch is bttr to learn java or python

9th Jan 2018, 6:02 PM
ss s
ss s - avatar
3 Answers
+ 4
yes , but it's going to be a little hard. you can almost do anything with python games ,desktop apps, web apps,and more but it's a little hard to learn all the information. but if you're determined you will achieve great success. you can build android apps with kivy python. https://kivy.org/#home it's got a very big community . just google it and you will find out more about it. i'm trying to do the same , but im a beganer to python . i'm watching this guy to learn python https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsinMWgI7pXJQGc0gwMXimg?view_as=subscriber
9th Jan 2018, 6:14 PM
+ 4
I once tried it, but didn't make it. As I understood Kivy works only on Linux PC (or on phone but I don't know how to build the app when you develop on phone). And there is also an sl4a library, but there are not many resources about it. So I recommend you to learn Java.
9th Jan 2018, 6:51 PM
Tim Thuma
Tim Thuma - avatar
Yes, you can but you should not. learn React Native instead.
9th Jan 2018, 9:37 PM
Hasan Al-Yazidi
Hasan Al-Yazidi - avatar