+ 1

[DUPLICATE] Which is the best book to learn hacking?

It might sound lunatic but I want to hack facebook and Instagram accounts. Please tell me which book or books should I read for it. I'm a dummy in this hacking and programming.

1st Jan 2018, 1:09 PM
3 Answers
+ 7
you want to be a hacker ...then learn some languages like JavaScript for browser based hacks ,python to create exploits or hack tools etc ,assembly(or c++) to control computer hardware.....know Linux commands like(mkdir,ls -ll ,ifconfig,cd,cat,touch etc) <because linux os covers 96.6% of devices>..and mybe some shell scripting and be familiar of the hacking OSeS like kali & parrot os and other things i have no idea of.... then lastly do it for the good guys ..... otherwise am not into the h-stuff. GOOD LUCK!!!
1st Jan 2018, 3:46 PM
_c0dĀ£ BitĀ£_
_c0dĀ£ BitĀ£_ - avatar
5th Jan 2018, 12:53 PM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 5
For books I don't know, but there are tons of information online. Maybe watch some Youtube videos that will explain you everything.
1st Jan 2018, 2:15 PM
Tim Thuma
Tim Thuma - avatar