My opinion may be a little biased, but if you really do dedicate yourself to be really good at Python, it could benefit you a lot. Also, Python is a very powerful language and you could do incredible things with it, so I would definitely say that it's worth it.
24th Dec 2017, 3:00 AM
Faisal - avatar
It would definitely be possible to land a job by just knowing Python, but I think that it would be better if you know a couple of languages. You don't have to be an expert at them, but as long as you're able to code something decent with them, then you'd be good.
24th Dec 2017, 3:08 AM
Faisal - avatar
C++ is a very good language to know, and knowing how to develop websites are not too hard using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so I would also suggest to try to learn those too.
24th Dec 2017, 3:15 AM
Faisal - avatar
While you're learning, Those types of things should come naturally to you as they're pretty important aspects of coding but just in case, I'll explain them right now. Libraries: In languages such as Python, C++, or C#, you can import libraries which will add more functionality to your codes. With Python, I suggest using numpy, scipy, and matplotlib while working with math and graphing things, re while working with strings, and datetime if you need a date and/or time. Scripts: Scripts are used when automating a process that would be much more tedious when done by a person. They can be used while designing video games, with JavaScript and C# being common scripting languages for that type of thing. It can also be used when designing websites, which is commonly done by JavaScript.
24th Dec 2017, 3:41 AM
Faisal - avatar
It's totally fine if you don't understand it now, I'm sure that it will start to make more sense as you get better. šŸ˜‰
24th Dec 2017, 3:52 AM
Faisal - avatar
Anytime! I hope you enjoy coding and enjoy your time here on Sololearn! The community here is phenomal and there are so many great people that could help you out if you're ever stuck or don't quite understand something, so this was a good place to start. šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜Š
24th Dec 2017, 4:01 AM
Faisal - avatar
- 1
It shouldn't take too long to start getting the hang of it if you really dedicate yourself to it, but it really depends on you as a learner. I would suggest that you start with web development (HTML,CSS,JavaScript) so that you can start to get a basic understanding of what coding is. That way, it would be easier to move to harder languages like Python and C++.
24th Dec 2017, 3:27 AM
Faisal - avatar
- 1
No problem! d: šŸ‘
24th Dec 2017, 3:33 AM
Faisal - avatar