+ 302
* New courses.
* Code challenges.
* More XP for codes.
* Code & Q/A bookmarks.
* Multi-language challenges.
* New challenge types like 'correct a wrong code' etc,.
+ 189
a chat with users of SoloLearn :)
+ 162
Ethical hacking courses!
+ 130
• New courses like bootstrap, XML, Android, Kotlin, etc
• Challenges for css, jQuery and MySQL
• Daily Challenges
• Canvas course
• Control system for Q/A
• Lots of new badges
• A new status ahead of platinum, like Diamond or LSD
• Bookmarks for reference
... And many more
+ 120
Grouped Notifications.
It's really difficult to manage 99+ notifications per hour.
+ 96
To be able to bookmark (not copy) the codes of others that I would like to go through again, and to be able to view the bookmarked codes easily.
+ 85
Algorithms of programming
+ 77
C challenges!
+ 64
deeper tutorials
java right now has only basic stuff
that could be beginner tutorial
the advanced stuff would be well...
+ 57
For the people who submit the quizzes in the quiz factory to write the logic behind the answer...
I mean, whenever I do a challenge and miss some questions I tend to review the answers...
and sometimes I'm just like "how the heck is the answer 3??" and there is no explanation or anything, so we just accept it? it's annoying AF...
It would really help a lot of people to understand more..
//(sorry for my bad English);
+ 53
Like the notification is grouped.
Codes -> Code_no1-> 22 people liked your 21 codes; 12 comments were posted on 3 of your codes
+ 48
* New courses (typescript, LUA, Clojure, Kotlin, C, Rust, Go...)
* Coding challenges (not against another person, but just solving problems)
* Friendlier interface on drag and drop (too small on mobile)
* As the interface is multilingual, comments and forums should be, too
+ 45
new questions in challenges ☺
//👉 & for me , i want time to to run slow ... when i use these app ☺
+ 43
- Quizz factory on PC.
- Lessons factory on PC.
- Public API.
- Parts of the app go open source.
- Code challenges.
+ 41
I strongly recommend this three courses:
+Visual Basic
+ 41
According to many topics that have been discussed in Q&A here, I think an overall course introducing to coding in general would be very appreciated. A course in which we could learn what languages are used in what situations (and why), facing what needs ; showing us real exemples of different kinds of softwares working with associated languages, and the structures of it. Showing also how different structures coded with different languages are connected, and how they can communicate. Sometimes connecting to the origine of languages : why there were created.
With such a course, any beginner could have an idea of the direction to take in the language jungle ... And it would also give a priceless general understanding of all the different coded architectures we meet everywhere sometimes without even knowing it's there.
It would not need to be very detailed. More something like a general map. Then if you know where you are in the map, you can dig deeper.
It's a shame many of human knowledge are tought bottom-up like music and math. You learn the details, without any explanation, and only much later you are allowed to see the large picture you're stepping on since years, discovering the meaning and the use of everything you learned blind.
+ 40
Ethical hacking, web development, android and search engine optimization(SEO) courses.
+ 38
more java certificates 🤗
+ 36
AI stuffZ 😁🤗🤖🌋⚡🌐🕸💻📐📏🎛🚀🎡🛰🛡🇦 🇮 machine learning, deep learning, neural nets, software agents , genetic algorithms, etc ^^ would be lovely 😋😁😁😄😍
+ 35
Better compiler😁😁