+ 2
Convert Arabic to Roman Numerals
3 Answers
+ 1
i want to try this in ruby. i post a link here when ready
+ 1
My solution in ruby as promised:
Did you define the "symbols" for 5000+ for yourself because they are not to be found on any webpage i searched for them
All i found was the spelling of Apostrophus:
It repeats C and D to increase C or D by factor 10
thanks for the idea for the converter. i mentioned you in the credits ;D
I = 1Â Â L = 50Â Â Â M = 1000Â Â R = 50000Â Â Â U = 1000000Â Â Â N = 50000000
V = 5Â Â C = 100Â Â P = 5000Â Â S = 100000Â Â B = 5000000Â Â Â Y = 100000000
X = 10Â D = 500Â Â Q = 10000Â T = 500000Â Â W = 10000000Â Â Z = 500000000