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[DUPLICATE] Does Reset Progress on my courses wipes my XP or not?

Course Progress and XP

27th Nov 2017, 1:26 AM
Michel de Nostradamus
Michel de Nostradamus - avatar
7 Answers
+ 5
Yeah, everything is gone. 😹 Your lesson progress, challenges in the language, and about all XP's of that language. Pretty unfortunate if you accidentally pressed it (hope you haven't done that yet). 😉
27th Nov 2017, 2:21 AM
blackcat1111 - avatar
27th Nov 2017, 2:45 AM
Muhd Khairul Amirin
Muhd Khairul Amirin - avatar
+ 2
@BlackCat1111 I haven't reset it I was thinkin of doing it to start the course all over again but decided to ask before doing it.
27th Nov 2017, 2:39 AM
Michel de Nostradamus
Michel de Nostradamus - avatar
+ 2
@Jamie Thanks for your respond its appreciated and thanks for letting me know.
27th Nov 2017, 2:39 AM
Michel de Nostradamus
Michel de Nostradamus - avatar
+ 2
@Michel you can retake course without resetting or skip directly to parts addressing your issue. I've done this a few times with Java.
27th Nov 2017, 4:20 AM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar