+ 2
php and sql should be more interesting for back-end, but you need to understand how a website is built first
23rd Nov 2017, 7:34 PM
Lucien - avatar
+ 3
Knowing the fundamental elements of a stack is very important. Knowing how the Html, CSS, and JavaScript files read and write (I/O) to and from one another. The basics allows a back end developer to work with ques, servers, Logging, micro services, load dependencies and a Myriad of other back end issues. Being siloed into backend or front end alone without at least a small understanding can be like using a hammer to chop wood.
23rd Nov 2017, 7:44 PM
Cliff Minks
Cliff Minks - avatar
+ 2
It’s awesome if you know how you going to get data from front end user and how they retrieve data from backend for both we need to use HTML n CSS in order to make it user friendly, Plus at the backend as well you need to design n provide user interface so u need some knowledge of HTML n CSS .
24th Nov 2017, 6:30 AM
Amir Danish
Amir Danish - avatar
- 3
25th Nov 2017, 8:58 AM
sahil man