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chalenging for me in c++

hello today i decided to write a code in c++ to produce indelible exe file but i dont khow how to do that i searched every where but i couldent find any thing and again im saying the think that i want is only a code to prduce indelible exe file pleas help me if you can thanks every body

6th Nov 2017, 7:19 PM
arash firoozi
arash firoozi - avatar
1 Answer
سلام داداش ولی من همه جارو سرچ کردم با اینحال موفق نشدم دست گلت درد نکنه اگه چیزی پیدا کردی برا ما هم بفرس تو stack هم هستم اونجا هم مطرح می کنم ایشالا
6th Nov 2017, 7:36 PM
arash firoozi
arash firoozi - avatar