+ 1


hi,i am a new programmer....i am begining to learn c++ and i made a my first calculator(kinda): #include <iostream> int main(){ int a,b,result; std::cout<<"enter first number:"; std::cin>>a; std::cout<<"\n"; std::cout<<"enter second number:"; std::cin>>b; std::cout<<"\n"; result=a*b; std::cout<<"the result is:"<<result; return 0;} and it works too...but the confusion is when i used "std::cout<<endl:" instead of "std::cout"\n" it didnt work, why is that? thank you for your support!

29th Oct 2017, 4:06 PM
Manit D. Luffy
Manit D. Luffy - avatar
9 Answers
+ 4
Not slower but it is bad practice. If you do "using namespace std;" at the beginning of your program, you can't ever have a variable callend endl or cout or lots of others - because all of std gets dumped into your namespace. Since std is so big, nameclashes like that are a real problem! If you are going to use it, do it inside functions. For example int main(){ using namespace std; cout << ... } That way You don't have to write "std::" in your main function, but you don't run into problems everywhere else. The way you did it is totally fine!
29th Oct 2017, 5:18 PM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 5
it's std::cout << std::endl;
29th Oct 2017, 4:08 PM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 5
oh, thank you very much.
29th Oct 2017, 4:10 PM
Manit D. Luffy
Manit D. Luffy - avatar
+ 2
Just write using namespace std; at the beginning of the program so you dont have to write std:: every time you use a function of the standard library. Your method is fine too Just a suggestion
29th Oct 2017, 4:33 PM
Saransh Bhatia
Saransh Bhatia - avatar
+ 1
yea, I know that but someone told me if you use that at the beginning ,your program runs slower than it should be...Is it true? ,if somebody knows please tell me..
29th Oct 2017, 5:14 PM
Manit D. Luffy
Manit D. Luffy - avatar
oh..and one more thing, for example this is a program.. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello world!" << endl; cout << "I love programming!"; return 0; } now...how do you write the same exact program without using 'using namespace std;'
30th Oct 2017, 1:31 PM
Manit D. Luffy
Manit D. Luffy - avatar
Just put std:: in front of cout and endl like you did in your original post.
30th Oct 2017, 2:58 PM
Schindlabua - avatar