How is c++ useful I am new help me!!
3 Answers
+ 1
C++, like it's predecessor C, helps build resource intensive programs. Because it has inbuilt computer-memory management functions, it allows developers to control the amount of space programs use.
From the excert above, you'd gather that C++ is a control-everything control-freak-ish language: and that it is.
You must declare variables with a specific type:
str int float void null static whatever i get confused sometimes too
It's all complicated, but it helps clear-up in-future problems by properly specifying what is what.
Past all that, you have to compile a program into Machine Code or Binary (same thing) after programming it.
Compiling code helps by listing out all the possible actions, different bits of code in your program can do - and will throw errors at (your face) you if it sees you did something out-of-the-ordinary (wrong).
C++ is used to make games, big game companies have seasoned developer teams working with it: because of the benifits of the strict syntax (makes less confusion about different coding styles). And... there's more.
But this would become too long. Internet-ing time!
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