+ 6

Please is MATLAB a programming language?

14th Oct 2017, 3:17 AM
Captain vee
Captain vee - avatar
6 Answers
+ 17
"MATLAB" is a hindi word //don't know whether its programming language also or not
14th Oct 2017, 3:19 AM
Gaurav Agrawal
Gaurav Agrawal - avatar
+ 12
tl;dr - Yes. It is a programming language.
14th Oct 2017, 5:04 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 7
MATLAB is vert high level programming language. "MATrix LABoratories" have developed it. Its very very powerful.Mostly build for solving engineering problems. It can be used in many branches of engineering such as Electrical, ENTC, CHEMICAL, also mechanical, COMPUTER engg. I have also seen its use as replacement of C language in an engineering application. Hence its worth learning for Engineers of core branches. It has very wide range of applications.
14th Oct 2017, 3:37 AM
Shut Mail
+ 5
it actually is but i think it's mostly for engineers..not software developers..check google for more info
14th Oct 2017, 3:20 AM
Captain vee
Captain vee - avatar
+ 5
You use MATLAB for various things . Being an electrical engineer I've programmed using it . Mostly plotting graphs in real time , finding the behaviour of various control systems , finding poles and zeroes of various electrical systems (which otherwise we find by a long hectic Root-locus or routh-hourwitz method . Its Syntax is similar to python 2 .Not hard . You do need to have knowledge bout control systems to get the most out of MATLAB . It comes along with MATLAB Simulink which is used for simulation purposes.
15th Oct 2017, 5:32 AM
Kash - avatar
no, it is not programming language!
11th Jun 2018, 5:55 PM
Galymzhan - avatar