+ 1
/*Comparing two strings or string comparison in C involves finding out if they are the same or not. This is done by either using some built-in function or by comparing the strings character by character to determine if they are equal.
Here the second way: */
int compare_strings(char a[], char b[])
// A variable to iterate through the strings
int i = 0;
while (a[i] == b[i])
// If either of the strings reaches the end
// we stop the loop
if (a[i] == '\0' || b[i] == '\0')
// We check if both the strings have been compared
// till the end or not
// If the strings are compared till the end they are equal
if (a[i] == '\0' && b[i] == '\0')
return 0;
if(a[i] == '\0')
return -1*(b[i]);
else if(b[i] == '\0')
return a[i];
return (a[i]-b[i]);
+ 3
// scanf donât need adress & operator for an array
// you have to compare each item of the arrays or
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char str[10]="HASTE";
char a[10];
printf("Enter a number of five letters in capital case" );
printf("YOU WON");
printf("YOU LOSE");
return 0;