I need help with a code!
Can someone help me fix this code? My teacher put comments to guide us on what we have to do so please read them. #You can add comments be using a hash sign. You can also comment out code so it will not run but you can easily reuse it by removing the hash sign. #This library is used to cause pause in the code so messages appear slowly. #The function library's name is time and the function we will use is sleep(). from time import sleep print("WELCOME TO THE SHAPE TEST!") sleep(2) #You need to add a variable and use the .upper() function to fix this issue. print("!IMPORTANT, Remember to type everything with a capital letter at the beginning of the word or you'll get it wrong!") #This sleep functions pause the code for 3 seconds. sleep(3) print("First Question") sleep(2) print("LOADING") sleep(4) #You may need to fix this triangle so it prints correctly. print(" /| ") print(" / |") print(" / |") print(" / |") print("/____|") Question = input("What shape do you see?? ") #First conditional statement. All code under the If/Else (conditional) statements need to be indented. if Question == "Triangle": print("Correct!") else : print("wrong. Its a triangle") sleep(2) print("Next Question") sleep(3) print("LOADING") sleep(4) #You may need to fix this rectangle so it prints correctly. print(" _____________") print("| |") print("| |") print("| |") print("|_____________|") Question2 = input("What shape do you see? ") #Second conditional statement. All code under the If/Else (conditional) statements need to be indented. if Question2 == ("Rectangle"): print("Correct!") else : print("Wrong. It is a Rectangle") #This print statement should always print so it is not indented. It is not part of the conditional statement. print("Thanks for taking the Shapes Test! :)")