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Anlo would like to withdraw X PINK from an ATM the cash machine will only becept the transaction FX a muimple of 5, and Atlas

the cash machine will only becept the transaction FX a muimple of 5, and Atlas occount bokonce has enough eh pertorm the withdrawal transaction including bank charges for each successful withdrawal, the bank charges 0 5 RINR functional Description Colculate and display the Alfa's account staus alter the transachon based on the following condition of the amount requested the available initial balance bank charge ord or if the requested amount it not the multiple of 5 In the first line of Output Print as "veld Withdrawal Request in the Second Line of Output Print the Inital Balance willstwo wives after doc mal point If the amount requested to the available initial balance bank charges and the requested amount is not the multiple of 5 In the first line of Output Print the Current balance after the successful man sex lion with two values after decimal point In the Second Line of Output Print the initial Balance will two walues after encimal point Constraints I come <- 5000 I <- inamt <= 30000

24th Apr 2022, 5:41 PM
elo elanchezhiyantry
1 Answer
We shouldn’t do your homework for you. Read the pre-test lesson again if you’re really stuck.
15th Apr 2024, 5:37 AM
Wilbur Jaywright
Wilbur Jaywright - avatar