SoloLearn concern in Module 5.2 (I think
In 'Escaping Characters in Strings' I don't know what I should have done. I placed the backslash (\) just before the 2nd quotation mark and a backslash after the 2nd- to-last quotation mark. In the 1st test the 2nd backslash (\) goes just after the 2nd quotation mark yet in the 2nd test I am wrong despite the output being correct (according to SoloLearn) - me using \ . Is there an error made by SoloLearn in this module do you think?
5 Answers
+ 6
Sharli K ,
please post your code here, otherwise we can not give you helpful hints.
+ 5
Sharli K ,
why not copy your code from the editor you created it & then paste it in playground and link it here ?
in which code editor have you created your code?
+ 1
I created the code on the editor SoloLearn provides. It was done months ago so I doubt my work was saved (me screenshot-ing it for Microsoft-Publisher)...Forgot to place my I.T. folder in my bag so am currently on the way to work without being able to contribute to this thread as much as I would like to...Chat to you (and anyone else wanting to help) in the next 24 hours hopefully
Edit 21 hours later: ...Forget it; I deem this thread is for Sololearn staff to consider (me having stated all I needed to in my first submission i.e. the 'question')
Will type out the whole code sentences (including what Sololearn has stated to work with) after work - currently do not have my Sololearn coursework on me.
If you can go on module 5.2. to try out what I've stated I've done such would be good I think
I wish there was a way to attache screenshot s/jpegs on here - would save a lot of time...Will type out the full code on my way to work (in a few hours - currently getting ready for work)