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if you want 1 way chat i.e. user can send feedbacks etc to you and you use discord
then the discord webhooks are a good choice for you
u can use them in nodejs and send a post or get request from client to your nodejs or any server and then from server invoke a webhook
or if you want a two way communication
two choices then
in both you can use websockets
socket.io is a popular library for that it is available in both backend and client
and if you don't want to save the message i.e only a real-time chat then just use socket or if you also want to save messagea then use a database with sockets like firebase Firestore
you can use firebase admin sdk in nodejs for firebase services
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With the help of html, css, js , little bit node.js, socket.io or you can use firebase
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You Need To Have A Good Server That Will Host Your Backend Eg. Repl It, etc. or You Can Always Make Your Own
Also, You Need To Have A Socket.io Or WebSocket On The Backend & Frontend.
As, You Need Live Syncing Of Messages Through The Chat Room.
Also, You Can See This Example That I Build But, Got Privatized Due To The Community Writing Bad Words:
Note: This Isn't Any Kind Of Advertising As, I Don't Get Any XP As, The Code Is Private...
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Time To Code
Learn about socket io and firebase database
Here is the link for socket io tutorial in different languages
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I Think You're Wrong.
It Needs To Be Connected Through Web Sockets...
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An app made with python to provide end to end conversation
1.Python 3.6+
What Are Sockets?
Sockets are mainly used in the client-server based application. If there are two processes or two systems that want to communicate with each other, a socket provides an ending point of that communication. It is usually identified by an IP address associated with a port number.
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Html, css , javascript , Python3 lots of platforms are available.
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This is so much easier with php, Contact me in gmail at jmwandikwa1@gmail.com and I could guide you through
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Have another free live chat solution for websites?
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There is a few nice fb clones being shown on YouTube you can take snippets and suit it to your needs if that helps at all
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