+ 2
[DUPLICATE] What language is recommended for beginners?
I’m a teenager and I plan to take Computer Science next year. I want to get a leg up and have knowledge going into the year as I currently know very little. I’ve started the python courses but after reading comments on other posts I’m starting to doubt that python is the best language for beginners. Any advice on what language to start with? Thanks
17 Answers
+ 8
For web development:
For Android and apps:
For game development:
⏩C# (Unity)
⏩C++ (Unreal Engine)
A programming language that is good to start with:
Hope this helps 😊
+ 6
Sorry, just read the reply about games.
^Learning all of that, you'll not only have a leg up, but you'll probably know what you'll learn in school already. :D
+ 5
To whoever downvoted me, if you have a better suggestion please don’t hesitate to say it.
+ 5
@Jax without javascript, html is useless for making games. Maybe some very very simple games made with html and css
+ 5
Honestly, if that's what you're going into, I'd take C++, Java, C# and Python. Any particular focus you plan to take with it all? There are many directions you can go, so that'll play a big role on what you should focus on right now to get a leg up. What's your short/long term goals with everything?
+ 4
Well, the simplest programming language is python, however, I believe HTML is a much better start, and though not technically a programming language, you can do tons of things with it, very easily.
+ 4
@Unnamed It depends. HTML could be used for making games, but with JavaScript and canavas, and not any games, only web games which work on a browser.
+ 3
So, you use 3D models to make the characters in Unreal. The C++ makes the characters move, react, attack. It makes everything work you know? Without it, you would have a landscape and characters, that did absolutely nothing.
+ 2
@Jax can HTML be used for games?
+ 2
Sorry dude, didn’t see that. HTML can be used for games, but it’s not that great at it.
+ 2
HTML as first language?seriously?
Start with C or C++ but no as OOP directly...it could make you confused if you're a beginner.
Greetings :D
+ 2
If you want to make games without coding you can use BuildBox. The man that have created the game "Color Switch" used BuildBox and He made it in one week. You should try.
+ 1
@Jakob Marley. Not particularly yet. As I mentioned before I am new to this so I’m hoping to just develop an understanding of how programming works and then think about a trajectory later. I’m mainly asking about what language is best to use as a foundation when learning
+ 1
@Jakob Marley. This is probably a dumb question but how does the unreal engine relate to C++?
+ 1
Ok cool, thanks
+ 1
Yeah, any time.
the best language to begin with is python and java depending on what you want to lean.