+ 6

Integer.parseInt(input1, n) can you please tell me what this function do?

Java programing code

14th Mar 2018, 1:14 PM
Tushit Maheshwari
Tushit Maheshwari - avatar
6 Answers
+ 4
Integer.parseInt(String s, int radix) where sĀ āˆ’ is a String containing the integer representation to be parsed. radixĀ āˆ’ This is the radix to be used while parsing s. This method returns the integer represented by the string argument in the specified radix. e.g. a=Integer.parseInt("1110",2); System.out.println(a); // outputs a=14
14th Mar 2018, 1:32 PM
Manorama - avatar
+ 8
int n=Integer.parseInt ("1234"); System.out.print(n==1234); //I use this
14th Mar 2018, 1:21 PM
Gaurav Agrawal
Gaurav Agrawal - avatar
+ 4
not that
14th Mar 2018, 1:18 PM
Tushit Maheshwari
Tushit Maheshwari - avatar
+ 3
input,n meaning
14th Mar 2018, 1:19 PM
Tushit Maheshwari
Tushit Maheshwari - avatar
+ 2
parseInt() is used to convert string to Integer
14th Mar 2018, 1:17 PM
Manorama - avatar
I don't have any idea about that "input1, n" part. But in general, Integer.parseInt() function is used in Java to convert a String data into an integer one (kind of like how Integer.valueOf() works). Integer.parseInt() is also used in Java io package (buffer reader class) to take integer inputs although that's a tedious process and not really used now a days.
4th Jul 2018, 5:44 PM
Harsh Agarwal
Harsh Agarwal - avatar