+ 2

How can I add audio and video to my browser


2nd Mar 2018, 6:23 AM
Madhusudhan - avatar
5 Answers
+ 4
<video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> video like this </video> <audio controls> <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> audio like this </audio>
2nd Mar 2018, 6:28 AM
Sudarshan Rai
Sudarshan Rai - avatar
+ 1
. Ogg file.. Y are we using this file
2nd Mar 2018, 6:44 AM
Madhusudhan - avatar
+ 1
How.. If u don't mind give me tags for information
2nd Mar 2018, 7:40 AM
Madhusudhan - avatar
you can also add a video from youtube by right clicking on the video (in youtube) and selectinf copy embed code. this will create and <iframe> tag that you can customize
2nd Mar 2018, 7:37 AM
Dominique Abou Samah
Dominique Abou Samah - avatar
when you are in the video in youtube, right click on the video and select copy embed link. then paste it in your code and try it. you have to be on pc thou
2nd Mar 2018, 8:47 AM
Dominique Abou Samah
Dominique Abou Samah - avatar