+ 16

[OFF-TOPIC] Does sololearn come in your dreams too?

Yesterday i was dreaming of something then i suddenly saw like i was using sololearn in my dream. I wonder if it happens or ever happened to you too. 👔😅🤔☺

24th Feb 2018, 11:03 PM
Christine - avatar
35 Answers
+ 16
coding ideas 😅
25th Feb 2018, 2:46 AM
Gaurav Agrawal
Gaurav Agrawal - avatar
+ 9
Nice Ideas!
21st Apr 2018, 3:46 PM
Sadaam Linux
Sadaam Linux - avatar
+ 5
Not sololearn, but sometimes I’ll dream of coding. Like 2 nights ago I dreamed I coded this game and got sucked into it and then had to become a hacker to code my way out. It was pretty scary in the dream, but once I got out of bed and thought about it, I started laughing.
24th Feb 2018, 11:15 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 5
What are those?
24th Feb 2018, 11:19 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 5
Thanks for giving me something my first need-to-be-deleted history though. 😂
24th Feb 2018, 11:22 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 5
Funny! The thing people won’t quit reminding me of is this: I was supposed to draw, and tell what I was thankful for one thanksgiving. My twin brother draws or little brothers and says, I am thankful for my little brothers. Then comes mine, I saw the one my brother did and I said “I know” and I drew a picture of money, and wrote I am thankful for money. This is hilarious to me now, but it was very annoying before. And even then I overthought EVERYTHING. For instance we were doing patterns once and instead of adding 2 and subtracting 1 I came up with an algorithm to solve it by adding every other number and something else I can’t remember, but anyway here’s how I saw things: You need money for food. You need food to live. So if there is no money in the world, there is no food, and everyone will die.
25th Feb 2018, 12:20 AM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
Ok, I would say definitely spend less time there, 😉. And btw I’m 14. 😂 I didn’t go to the sight though, thankfully, I just saw the name. 😂
24th Feb 2018, 11:22 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
Nope, Sololearn has never appeared in my dreams. My dreams are about three things, and these things only: my brother, my girlfriend, and cats.
24th Feb 2018, 11:37 PM
luciel - avatar
+ 4
So you could read my German post right?
24th Feb 2018, 11:39 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
No, I did that on my own. Have I done so much coding that my writing looks like a robot’s?
24th Feb 2018, 11:43 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
No, it’s sort of a side thing. I can actually speak more languages as well. Like Portuguese, Spanish, pretty bad at French though, and of course English. But I’m homeschooled so I suppose it could be learning it in school. 🤔
24th Feb 2018, 11:49 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
@luciel Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich werde es nicht tun, und selbst wenn ich es tue, haben meine Eltern Einschränkungen auf meinem Handy aktiviert!
24th Feb 2018, 11:50 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
And a few less notable languages that I know a few words in.
24th Feb 2018, 11:51 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
I also know the language Python, C#, and many more! 😂
24th Feb 2018, 11:51 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
My mother does. And if I weren’t homeschooled I wouldn’t be able to chat with you guys all day long, but I’m thinking about going back. I only get to see my friends in the spring when I do track and the fall when I do cross country. I’m trying to get one to do archery with me this summer, but that’s it.
24th Feb 2018, 11:58 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 4
Well, despite popular belief, most homeschool kids do not have learning disabilities or are trouble makers. And when I did kindergarten, I just didn’t like it (I know it’s kindergarten but still) and I didn’t want to start 1st grade. So my mom decided to homeschool me and my twin brother, and it’s been like that since. And the school is just 2 miles away, even though we live in the country, it’s Iowa what do you expect, we can get to the school really easily in a couple minutes.(it is a really small town)
25th Feb 2018, 12:05 AM
Jax - avatar
+ 3
Ja, sicher bist du es. Mein erstes Mal auch. Und hier gehst du und ruinierst meine Unschuld. Schäm dich.
24th Feb 2018, 11:29 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 3
No, I’m homeschooled so everything is homework. And I think something like that would raise suspicion. Do you speak German?
24th Feb 2018, 11:34 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 3
@luciel Vertrau mir, ich bin. Und ja, wir reden über mich.
24th Feb 2018, 11:45 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 3
@luciel Ist das deine Art zu sagen, dass du nicht unschuldig bist?
24th Feb 2018, 11:46 PM
Jax - avatar