+ 13
How to print this <p></p> in html
How to print this <p></p> in html
13 Answers
+ 4
wow😍😍, intelligent boy
+ 11
+ 11
Thank you so much
+ 9
I am in class 6
+ 7
@Adarsh Singh, please always keep in your mind - Every time we write something or give like etc it's stored in a data center's hard disk,data transmits through internet and to manage all this require huge electricity
which relates to cost and impacts on our environment.
So use your time and energy when & where it's required.To use internet needs a lot of self responsibility.
I think you are a school/college going boy,so don't feel uneasy with my words.
I'm happy to see you're learning Programming.
+ 7
@Adarsh Singh, please write on Code Playground in web mood
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<body><p>Ur code must be written in body section,in between p tag like this. </p>
+ 6
No it is not working
+ 6
Thanks @AZM Mushfiqur Rahman
+ 5
nice job! thanks 👍
+ 4
put this in code tag or pre tag
example:- <pre>Ur code</>
+ 3
dude both tag are not working
+ 1
«body»<p>I live in Ukraine</p></body>
check at this code to see