+ 2

Pruning (Deletion)

I don't wish to step on toes, however the Q&A section is filled with non-relevant posts and threads. This is a humble plea to start pruning your posts & threads. By pruning, I mean deleting. Below is a proposed guide for pruning...

20th Feb 2018, 11:19 AM
1 Answer
+ 2
When should I prune my thread? *. If it gets marked a duplicate and the thread has nothing to add to its counterpart. *. If it is off-topic chat about: reaching bronze/silver/gold/platinum/etc, introducing yourself, an anecdote unrelated to SL's purpose and programming, or cause/suhgestion that's seen little enthusiasm in a week. *. A stagnant thread (<5 replies in a week) with no information of value. *. Like storms or like storms pretending to be legitimate threads. *. Birthday and other similar threads (nobody cares, they just want likes). When should I prune my post? *. If, after reviewing it, you realise it's not useful. *. If it's been down-voted to a negative. *. If it's shameless self-promotion: anything from threadjacking to post your non-relevant code to posting links to your own threads (unless to illustrate "asked & answere"). You know what you're posting and why. *. If some posted a better answer before you (you should not have posted, but still). This is just a rough idea. There are special circumstances. Use your better judgement. I'll update and refine this over time. I hope this is taken is the spirit it's intended and we can try (I'm not perfect either) to build a better SL together :)
20th Feb 2018, 11:19 AM