How to come up with the shape?
Hey guys Iâm new here. I had a home work and donât know how to solve it. The question is to write a program that displays this shape: _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ * * _ _ * * * _ * * * * * * * * * I donât know if that is clear but basically to form that right triangle there with the starts and space using nested loops Thanks,
3 Answers
+ 9
Over how many rows and columns is the triangle to be drawn? (what is its height and width)
How many spaces do we need for each row before will fill the remaining space with a *
or you know, search code playground, but that's taking all the fun out of it, isn't it :)
+ 8
What method/s have to tried to solve this problem?
+ 3
hint: spaces are decreasing and stars are increasing with each next line , now do the work