Can i learn python faster?
want to make games I prefer videos any suggestions?
5 Answers
+ 11
Games in Python? Doable, not recommendable. There are better ways to do that.
But if you insist, there's a good online course on Coursera, on interactive programming. During this course you complete several projects, with an Asteroids-like game as the final project.
The course is free if you only want knowledge, not certificate.
+ 9
Python is an interpreted language, you always have to have the interpreter itself compiled into the executable, unless you just run it for yourself.
Still, there is a pretty big community of Python game makers, like at www.pygame.org. You might want to check that and the pygame module documentation, too.
+ 8
check out https://www.udemy.com
you promoting this?
I don't want to pay
why don't you recommend it?
I'll do it and find some videos