Give me the code for the lesson "string operations"

Helpp i need the code cuz im stuck please gimme the code! Asap, i wanna continue learning other lessons except this one. But i need to complete this one in ORDER to continue!! 😭

12th Aug 2024, 4:37 AM
Chan Hatz
Chan Hatz - avatar
3 ответов
+ 6
We can give you pointer or explanation, but we don't give ready-made code easily, especially to someone who didn't show the code attempt. Please provide the details of the task along with your attempt. Then we can help you better.
12th Aug 2024, 5:21 AM
Wong Hei Ming
Wong Hei Ming - avatar
+ 3
"except" will come back to bite you later on...
12th Aug 2024, 10:18 AM
Bob_Li - avatar
do you think the upcoming lessons are easier? I don't think so... the lessons are well-thought, and builds the knowledge. we are ready to help, but first: (as Linus Torvalds said) talk is cheap, show me the code
12th Aug 2024, 5:47 PM
Mihaly Nyilas
Mihaly Nyilas - avatar