+ 1

Is COBOL a forgotten language?

Cobol is used at 2020? I want to know your comments

3rd Oct 2020, 7:17 PM
Josué Becerra
Josué Becerra - avatar
4 ответов
+ 5
Some bank and insurance systems are still written in COBOL.
4th Oct 2020, 12:43 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 3
COBOL is still in use by big corporations and governments. The pandemic has brought to light the need for COBOL programmers as policy changes have entailed needed changes to old programs. I know of one contract agency trying to hire 300 COBOL programmers - "Will train" - to fill the needs of just one company.
3rd Oct 2020, 7:56 PM
Brian - avatar
+ 1
3rd Oct 2020, 9:49 PM
Josué Becerra
Josué Becerra - avatar
I am understanding that only in banks and goverments use Cobol
4th Oct 2020, 4:26 AM
Josué Becerra
Josué Becerra - avatar