+ 2
I am making a 3d independent platform 3rd person game.
28th Jan 2017, 5:59 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
+ 1
um.... Ive tried making games, but they were all failures. a little help would be useful
9th May 2017, 1:03 AM
Bob JoeMan
Bob JoeMan - avatar
+ 1
what do you have trouble with?
9th May 2017, 4:10 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
+ 1
have you done any of the tutorials?
9th May 2017, 4:10 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
+ 1
well I am not sure how to help with no info really to go off of. id say make sure your using the right script like .js or c sharp. but if monodevelop says there is an error it's going to tell you which line exactly that you have an error
9th May 2017, 11:28 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
+ 1
copy paste its hard to say what's wrong..... if you really have no clue what your doing you may need to keep watching videos and dedicate more time to learning this craft if your really interested. or try an easier platform. go to code.org if you'd like to see different languages at work.
9th May 2017, 11:33 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
When MonoDevolop tells me that something is wrong, I don't understand how it's different from what I see. I'll keep trying and get back to you later. thanks for the tips though!
9th May 2017, 11:36 AM
Bob JoeMan
Bob JoeMan - avatar
yeah, that's the tough part sometimes it takes hours to find out you attached the script to the wrong asset or forgot to tag said asset or spelled a word wrong . hang in there and if all else fails rewrite the script from scratch. ask yourself this question "what am I assuming is correct?" .
9th May 2017, 11:45 AM
Eric Kershner
Eric Kershner - avatar
alright, I'll try that and get back to you later. thanks for the help!
9th May 2017, 11:50 AM
Bob JoeMan
Bob JoeMan - avatar
- 1
I've tried the tutorials, and I copy stuff word for word, but MonoDevelop says there's an error.
9th May 2017, 10:54 AM
Bob JoeMan
Bob JoeMan - avatar