+ 2

Java Applets on sololearn?

since you can run web code graphics on solo learn would it be possible to have applet graphics as well since its meant to be embedded in a website or do java applets and web graphics run differently in the browser?

3rd Aug 2018, 6:53 PM
Robert Atkins
Robert Atkins - avatar
2 ответов
+ 1
「HAPPY TO HELP」 i appreciate you trying it out for me! its unfortunate but maybe one day we will have the ability to run some simple graphical apps! :)
4th Aug 2018, 7:56 AM
Robert Atkins
Robert Atkins - avatar
+ 1
「HAPPY TO HELP」 i just started delving deep into swing and its pretty cool the stuff you can do with it so far, learning how to make a homemade version of Pong lol
4th Aug 2018, 3:50 PM
Robert Atkins
Robert Atkins - avatar