+ 2

When and how should I learn Command Line and Git Hub?

I have learned HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT. Now I came to know that Command Line and GIT are must for being a web developer but Sololearn does not have any course for either of them? Alomg with your helpful answer also please advise me some good resources to learn these. Thanks in advance

4th Mar 2018, 2:27 PM
Mohammad Kadir Ali
Mohammad Kadir Ali - avatar
5 ответов
7th Mar 2018, 7:30 AM
Prabin Chandra Shrestha
Prabin Chandra Shrestha - avatar
+ 7
Hlo @kadir well its more useful when developing with group members.. Its nothing hard gitbash is a application terminal. There are many video tutorials in YouTube.
6th Mar 2018, 1:47 PM
Prabin Chandra Shrestha
Prabin Chandra Shrestha - avatar
+ 6
Hlo @kadir checkout gitbash and learn its good for every developer. Its version controlling so very useful
6th Mar 2018, 12:21 PM
Prabin Chandra Shrestha
Prabin Chandra Shrestha - avatar
+ 2
okay. @Martin I need to understand what role does command line and git and guthub play in making u a web developer. for example. I have a windows laptop and no linux enviroment. Guide me how can I learn comand line in that, which is important for deploying websites basically.
6th Mar 2018, 11:31 AM
Mohammad Kadir Ali
Mohammad Kadir Ali - avatar
+ 2
Hi @Prabin Thanks mate. Do I need any tutorial to get started with gitbash???
6th Mar 2018, 12:30 PM
Mohammad Kadir Ali
Mohammad Kadir Ali - avatar