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CSS Color in JS

What will be the result if you incorrectly enter the value of an RGB color #0ab7ff into a HSL function in JavaScript?

10th Mar 2024, 7:16 AM
Czarina👑🇵🇰 - avatar
2 Respuestas
+ 3
#0ab7ff is a hexadecimal color, not a rgb color. you can find out WHAT HAPPENS when you test it in your code.
10th Mar 2024, 8:27 AM
Lisa - avatar
+ 1
If you incorrectly enter the RGB color #0ab7ff into an HSL function in JavaScript, it may not produce the expected result. The HSL function expects values in the range: - Hue: 0 to 360 - Saturation: 0% to 100% - Lightness: 0% to 100% The RGB color #0ab7ff corresponds to an HSL value of approximately hsl(203, 100%, 50%). If you provide incorrect values outside the valid range for HSL, the behavior might vary based on the implementation. It could result in unexpected colors or errors in rendering
10th Mar 2024, 8:47 PM
Knight - avatar