Help please? It's Pascal language in French ? I don't understand but I want to know how it works please help me
Algorithme exo_1 Variables V : Tableau (1...50] de Réel n, i, cp : entier Début Ecrire ('Donner la taille du vecteur V:') Lire (n) Ecrire ('Donner les valeurs du vecteur V:') Pour i:=1 à n faire Lire (v[i]) Fin-Pour cp • 0 Pour i:=1 à n faire Si v[i] > 0 alors cp • cp + 1 Fin-Si Fin-Pour Ecrire (cp) Fin
2 Respuestas
+ 2
So its program that fill an array of integers and show the number of positive values in the array .
First, Lire(n) read an integer value for the array size from the user.
Second, "Pour" takes i as counter and loop through all the array indexes and read its value from user input.
Last, another" Pour" loop through the array and check if the value positive it adds 1 to cp .So cp at the end will contains the number of positive values .
W kach ma khassak wla mafhmtch ani hna.
I want the program in English language