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What do you think of Typescript, are you aware about Elm. Typescript v/s Elm.

Different scripts language => JS.

29th Apr 2019, 9:16 PM
Asim Farheen
Asim Farheen - avatar
3 Respuestas
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Elm I spent roughly 3–4 months reading books about Elm before I took the dive into using it for a project. I have to say that Elm is by far my favorite of the three and in fact might be one of my favorite languages of all time. First-class support for: static typing, persistent immutable data structures, auto-currying, ADTs, the Elm architecture, etc. The list goes on and on. Elm is a Front End Functional Programmer’s best friend and is right up my alley. With all of this said, Elm is not my top choice for Front End languages. Elm is still very much a niche language without a terrible amount of widespread industry acceptance. My desire to be involved in a number of projects as an independent contractor keeps me motivated to use more mainstream technologies for the time being. Perhaps in a year or so, Elm will rank number 1 for me. TypeScript Let’s get real for a second. Nowadays we are building just about everything with JavaScript. For the most part, this works great. We are able to eliminate nearly all
4th May 2019, 6:18 PM
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4th May 2019, 10:04 PM
Asim Farheen
Asim Farheen - avatar
bugs and performance issues using immutable data structures and Flux / Redux. There is still one class of bugs that pop up quite frequently, however. This entire class of bugs can be fixed with static type checking and TypeScript is designed to do just that. With TypeScript, you are still writing the JavaScript that you are already used to, but you have first-class support for static-typing bundled into an extremely modern and fast compiler. TypeScript is a blast to work with and is very easy to get setup with it. Using Webpack makes incorporating TypeScript as easy as installing a loader and saving files to a .ts(x) extension. Other than a few demonstration projects, the first real project that I made using TypeScript as the main language is the scalable-react-ts-boilerplateproject. This project is a spin-off of another boilerplate micro-framework that I built as leader of the Udacity Alumni Web Team. It implements the same feature-first architectural pattern, but using TypeScript as the main language. In
4th May 2019, 6:19 PM