
Data Programming


Data Programming

Master the skills you need to tap into databases, play with data and make smarter decisions. You'll learn to specialize in SQL, the international standard language for databases and build interactive programs and automate your tasks using Python.

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What you'll learn

Database structures
Before you learn more about SQL we?ll help you understand how data is stored in a database.
SQL queries
Select, sort and identify data from a database using SQL queries.
Where command and logical conditions
Use where command and logical conditions to filter data.
Aggregation functions
Group data with aggregation functions.
Create tables by adding, updating and removing data.
Foundational concepts
Master foundational concepts of coding with Python. These are the building blocks for everything else
Understand how to work with strings to store text data and handle special characters
User inputs
Make your programs interactive by taking and working with user inputs
Use variables to help your program store data
If and Else statements
Start shaping the flow and purpose of your program with if and else conditional statements
Create and operate with lists to store multiple items into a single variable. This means you can handle more types of data
Keep your code efficient and manageable using built-in functions and your own custom functions


What Is SQL Used For?
SQL is the commonly used acronym for Structured Query Language, the standard language for relational database management systems. SQL traces its origins all the way back to 1973, when it was initially created by a team at IBM to manipulate and retrieve the data stored in their system at the time.
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CHEAT SHEET: What Is A SQL Injection?
One of the most common web hacking techniques, an SQL injection is a method for attacking and manipulating underlying databases. From providing access to protected data, to gaining access to manipulate the database of the targeted application, this tool is a common threat for most website and application managers. Our guide walks you through this widespread threat so you can protect your own applications from it.
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