+ 4
Please help me solve this question.(In Python)
Define the function check_location(coordinate, maplist, legend) that takes in a tuple coordinates, a list of lists maplist, and a dictionary legend. Return the meaning of the symbol found at row and column, making use of the legend. If the symbol is not found in legend, return "unknown". For example, check_location((0,1), [["#", "#"],["#", " "]], {" ": "path", "#": "blocked"}) should return "blocked". For example, check_location((1,0), [["#"],["z"]], {" ": "path", "#": "blocked"}) should return "unknown".
2 Answers
# code by siva shankar
#crd for coordinates
def check_location (crd, maplist ,legend):
# assuming two dimensional coordinates
try :
legend [val] != None
return legend [val]
except KeyError:
return "unknown"
a1=check_location((0,1),[['#','#'],['#',' ']],{' ':'path','#':'blocked'})
print (a1)
a2=check_location((1,0),[['#'],['z']],{' ':'path','#':'blocked'})
print (a2)
Added check for valid coordinates also. Pls check