+ 8

Whats the easiest programming language and why??

9th Apr 2017, 8:58 PM
Giannis Barounis
Giannis Barounis - avatar
19 Answers
+ 13
10th Apr 2017, 1:02 AM
Don MTY - avatar
+ 11
BASIC, I guess. But of those present here - Python or Ruby (of scripting languages). Of course HTML, too, but (lowers voice) *I don't count it as a programming language* ;)
9th Apr 2017, 9:28 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 9
@Karuma Tendai, I'm not judging your knowledge, but I think you learned C wrong. It is even harder because it doesn't have OOP, you have to do everything yourself and you have to work around certain things because they don't exist. Take this from someone who programs in C nonstop
10th Apr 2017, 12:33 AM
SoraKatadzuma - avatar
+ 8
@Karuma Tendai, please tell me that was sarcasm 😂
10th Apr 2017, 12:16 AM
SoraKatadzuma - avatar
+ 8
noo not that , i did c as introduction to programming and i saw it easier than java ,vb and others coz c is not a OOP language
10th Apr 2017, 12:27 AM
Karuma Tendai
Karuma Tendai - avatar
+ 8
hahaha guys as for me c programming was a piece of cake . So i think it depends . others say java is easy coz they understand it better , so i think it depends on which u understand better
10th Apr 2017, 11:01 AM
Karuma Tendai
Karuma Tendai - avatar
+ 7
python. simple syntax, and no need to worry about semi colons
9th Apr 2017, 9:01 PM
+ 7
c because its simple and can be used as n introduction to programming ...its easy for newbies 😂😂
9th Apr 2017, 9:03 PM
Karuma Tendai
Karuma Tendai - avatar
+ 6
There's nothing called as easy. Put your effort. Focus on a language and u'll be master in it.
9th Apr 2017, 9:06 PM
Shamanth Rai
Shamanth Rai - avatar
+ 5
@kuba same lol. html is more of a design language. u dont do any programming in it
9th Apr 2017, 9:29 PM
+ 4
10th Apr 2017, 1:14 AM
Nihad TK
Nihad TK - avatar
+ 3
i think the c++ is good for beginners because it gives you some advice for the other programming languages when i was beginner i started with c++ and now when i am learning JavaScript i surprised that i know half of it from c++ sorry for my English
9th Apr 2017, 9:11 PM
Mouhammed Nashat Helmi
Mouhammed Nashat Helmi - avatar
+ 3
Clearly python. exponential learning curve, easy syntax, just know the identation of language
9th Apr 2017, 10:05 PM
HEC - avatar
+ 3
Ruby, because it's very simple and it's easy to learn
10th Apr 2017, 2:33 AM
Jonas Alves de Almeida
Jonas Alves de Almeida - avatar
+ 3
I started from Python and it is a really good thing I did. It just looks so easy now when compared with what I'm going through in C++. For web development it would probably be HTML
11th Apr 2017, 12:16 PM
Zablas - avatar
+ 2
thanks you all for your answers you have been very helpful
10th Apr 2017, 10:49 AM
Giannis Barounis
Giannis Barounis - avatar
+ 2
Is scratch programming language?
10th Apr 2017, 2:17 PM
Mark Anohin
Mark Anohin - avatar
+ 1
for me, basic have simple syntax that can be easiely understand for its descriptive name and an OOP, also you did not have to worry to put ";" at the end of a line like java, c# and php. Ruby is also very short and have direct syntax for its function. Very user friendly 😜
11th Apr 2017, 7:57 AM
Nark Bocateja Duyac
Nark Bocateja Duyac - avatar
+ 1
According to an embedded coder guy, python or c is very easy to learn programming in the beginning. Because the c and python language is closer to machine language. This makes easer to develop codes which controls the physical elements like electronic components. But, I see lots of many computer programmers only produce softwared that will run on the computer. So that, maybe it is easier to delevop algorithm on oop language like C++ or C#
12th Apr 2017, 1:27 PM
rasit - avatar