+ 5

Dilemma on using ubuntu or windows. I am first year software engineering student. I really want to use open source Os

most of my friend told me that if i remove windows and use ubuntu. I CANT run microsoft SQL server , C# visual basic.

7th Apr 2017, 3:02 PM
Aloka Devapriya
Aloka Devapriya - avatar
6 Answers
+ 12
According to Linux users, the pros of using Ubuntu can outweigh the cons of not being able to use Microsoft-exclusive products.
7th Apr 2017, 3:17 PM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 4
You could also use Windows and create hundreds virtual machines and then your problem is solved :)
7th Apr 2017, 3:03 PM
Geoffrey L
Geoffrey L - avatar
+ 3
no worries. try this SQL on Linux https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-vnext-including-Linux#resources or use Azure https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/sql-database/?b=16.50 u can't use Visual Studio but u can use Visual Studio Code. https://code.visualstudio.com/#alt-downloads also u can create projects to run cross platform using .net core
7th Apr 2017, 3:08 PM
Eranga - avatar
+ 3
you can install Ubuntu as a application on your windows just check the site. BTW Linux Mint has my highest recommendation for those new to Linux
7th Apr 2017, 10:19 PM
Cole Reizenberg
Cole Reizenberg - avatar
@Ace, why do you recommend Linux mint over ubuntu? @all: VMs work great on any platform. for instance, I just installed virtual box on my imac and im running windows 10. and ubuntu on it and it works great.
9th Apr 2017, 8:35 PM
Anthony Nero
Anthony Nero - avatar
@Ace, ok, I misread your message.
10th Apr 2017, 1:11 AM
Anthony Nero
Anthony Nero - avatar