Pls how can I add an image from my phone to the project am working on ,.,in SoloLearn? <img src= “/on my iPhone/Wayneh/Cart.png”>? Pls help me out I want to add a pic from my phone
11 Answers
+ 1
Search imgbb or use Dropbox they both help
I prefer using Dropbox but add a ?raw=1 at the end
wow its impossible ...i need a link then
You need to copy the image link and insert it. So: <img src="(insert the link here)">
Mariokpdx its how to turn my image into a link that is the problem
Uhm... I don't know that : (
Since you have iOS device you can upload your local images to sololearn, you can also convert them to a Data URL. But depending on the size of the image, doing this can produce a large amount of text.
The route most community members take is using dropbox, imgur or google drive. Once you upload your image to any of these platforms you'll be provided a link you can use as an image source for you code.
You can use cloudflare CDN
It's a content delivery network
Sign up for cdn and upload your images to your cdn cloudflare account.
From there generate a link of your image. Copy and paste that link to your image tag src attribute.
Make sure that your image is publicly available.
Have you found a solution to your problem? Do you need any further assistance?