+ 7


image from my desktop isn't showing <!DOCTOTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>MUNGAI WEAR</title> <h1><big>URBAN OUTFITTERS</h1></big> </head> <style> body{background-color:black} h1{background-color:pink} h1{color:purple} h2{color:pink} h3{color:pink} </style> <body> <h2 align="middle"><big>....home of Fashionists</big></h2 > <h2> <p><ul align="left" > <li>About Us</li> <li>Contacts</li> <li>Home<hr /> </li> <image src="img_conto2.JPEG" alt="urban clothes for men" width="275px" height="225"> </h2> </ul> </h2> <h2>Location:Naivasha town,opp.Luxur Towers</h2> <h2 align="left">CONTACTS;</h2> <h3 align="middle">Tel no. 0739971929</h3> <h3 align="middle">Fb:@Urban Outfitters</h3> <h3 align="middle">Instagram:Urban_Outfitters</h3> </body> </html>

4th Dec 2019, 3:36 PM
stagg Oneill
stagg Oneill - avatar
47 Answers
+ 6
Where is your code situated? On pc in html file?
4th Dec 2019, 3:45 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 12
stagg Oneill Avoid using backslashes (\) in your path. Instead use forward slash (/). Also, avoid using spaces in your paths. It looks like your image filename is: image_conto2.JPEG I can't tell if that is a typo or not. Try copying that file and renaming it to something simple like, "test.jpg" and move it into the same folder as the HTML file. This will be a temporary test for you to simplify things until you see what the problem might be. Change your img tag to: <img src="test.jpg" /> If that doesn't work, then create a copy of your HTML file and rename it to test.html. Then reduce your HTML to only include the following: <html> <body> <img src="test.jpg" /> </body> </html> If image still doesn't appear after doing everything exactly as instructed with no typos, test that you can open the image using your browser. If not, the image might be bad. There are other scenarios I could include, but let's see if any of these work first.
4th Dec 2019, 4:52 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 5
And change name tag from <image...> to <img...>
4th Dec 2019, 4:05 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 5
stagg Oneill Your comment is ambiguous... "**this one too is not working ** When i run it the image appears but it does not open☹️" What do you mean by "it does not open"?
4th Dec 2019, 5:24 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 4
Friend write <!DOCTYPE html> Not <!DOCTOTYPE html> Then use <img> tag not <image> tage
4th Nov 2020, 10:07 AM
Satheesh Kumar
Satheesh Kumar - avatar
+ 3
Used proper path
21st Jul 2020, 9:04 AM
SurajGuptaOnline - avatar
+ 2
and in the rest of the htm code a lot of errors, does not match the order of closing tags, lost closing tag p near your ul list...
4th Dec 2019, 4:13 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 2
Why you put h1 tag into head? He dont be visible. Write it into body
4th Dec 2019, 4:17 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 2
your code contains a lot of errors, there is still a lot that does not work
4th Dec 2019, 4:20 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 2
Try write your html code here in Sololearn in section "codes { }". You know, how upload img to cloud storage and get external full link from there? for example from dropbox?
4th Dec 2019, 4:53 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 2
This is very funny! 🤣 stagg Oneill Your comment is ambiguous... "**this one too is not working ** When i run it the image appears but it does not open☹️" What do you mean by "it does not open"?
4th Dec 2019, 5:32 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 2
From the look of your code the image source is from your desktop pc. Sololearn doesn't generate images from desktop storage, so i suggest you generate the link online and apply
28th Jul 2020, 11:03 AM
Ben Joseph
Ben Joseph - avatar
+ 2
Where is your code situated
27th Aug 2020, 6:42 AM
Satheesh Kumar
Satheesh Kumar - avatar
+ 2
You have to write <Img src="image.jpg"> Instead of <Image src="image.jpg">
15th Jan 2021, 4:07 AM
Mehul Patil
Mehul Patil - avatar
+ 2
Ярослав Вернигора(Yaroslav Vernigora) you have written <!DOCTOTYPE html> , it's DOCTYPE
2nd Mar 2021, 11:45 AM
Shardul - avatar
+ 1
4th Dec 2019, 3:53 PM
stagg Oneill
stagg Oneill - avatar
+ 1
Then your html file must be near images in one folder. If your images located in other folder you must write in img tag src="\folder name\img_conto2.JPEG" (if this is subfolder) Or src="..\folder name\img_conto2.JPEG" (if img folder is located in the folder at a level higher than html file)
4th Dec 2019, 4:04 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
+ 1
Its not working man
4th Dec 2019, 4:18 PM
stagg Oneill
stagg Oneill - avatar
+ 1
<img src="..\HTML MUNGAI\image_conto2.JPEG">
4th Dec 2019, 4:19 PM
stagg Oneill
stagg Oneill - avatar
+ 1
Everything is working as far as html is involved
4th Dec 2019, 4:23 PM
stagg Oneill
stagg Oneill - avatar