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Should i learn CSS first or JS
6 Answers
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for web development the order is:
HTML, and then move on to CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, and SQL.
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You should learn css first and then focus on learning js. CSS is styling language of web and JS is web programming language that adds interactivity to a webpage.
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learn css language first it would help you even in js
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I did learn JS before CSS. It's not really good. So I'd like to suggest CSS first, then move to JS.
Jaydeep Khatri is right about the order of web developement languages. But however, jQuery is optional (although it can help you to code cleaner)
learn CSS first
if you want to be a web developer then the order I prefer first Html5 CSS 3 later when you want some interaction in your website and more stuffs learn JavaScript and you can also learn framework like jQuery node.js angular all the best